Header less rejects with ultrasonic

Achieve 20x fewer rejects with ultrasonic sealing

Ensure hermetic seals and automated quality control. With the right sealing technology, you can effortlessly achieve these benefits in your production line. Discover a solution that minimizes rejects, permanently reduces costs and makes your entire packaging process faster, safer, and more sustainable.

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Thermally sealed salad

Are you struggling with high reject rates?

Many packaging systems experience reject rates as high as 6 to 14 percent. This often results from contamination in the sealing area or the use of unsuitable systems for increasingly demanding and sensitive packaging materials. 

Consequently, extensive and costly inspections are necessary, leading to significant expenses and a competitive disadvantage.


our solution

Salad sealed with ultrasonic
Our solution

How to seal ready meals safely & reliably

With ultrasonics, you achieve a sealing process that significantly reduces your reject rates. Benefit from the efficient and sustainable features of ultrasonic sealing:

  • Reliable sealing through contamination
  • Ideal for sustainable materials
  • Automated process control

Seal your ready meals with ultrasonics and become #valuetainable by working with us to permanently increase the safety and sustainability in your packaging line!

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White Paper: 5 Success Factors for Lower Reject Rates

Our new white paper  provides clear, practical examples to  show how ultrasonics  can eliminate the most common causes of rejects.

Learn how you can:

  • Significantly reduce your waste over time
  • Package in a PPWR-compliant and sustainable manner
  • Implement automated quality control options


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FAQ – The Most Important Questions and Answers about Sealing Food with Ultrasonics

Ultrasonic sealing is suitable for a wide range of packaging applications. The most common include:

  • Stand-up pouches
  • Chained bags
  • Bags
  • Cardboard packaging
  • Spouts and valves
  • Capsules and tea bags
  • Switches, blister packs and trays

You can find an overview of the most frequently solved applications for ready meals here.

The high voltage created by the generator is converted into mechanical vibration (ultrasonics) in the converter. The welding tool (sonotrode) transfers this vibration to the film to be sealed. Frictional heat is generated,  heating and melting the film inside within a very short time. 

The mechanical vibration of the sonotrode causes the joining and simultaneous cooling of the seal, as the welding tools do not heat up. Therefore, ultrasonic sealing is also considered a cold welding process.

You can learn more about it here.

Thermoplastic materials can be quickly, securely and firmly connected using ultrasonics. 

Applications can consist of several layers of plastic, while mono-materials or paper-based packaging materials with a thermoplastic layer can also be sealed reliably and with a perfect appearance. 

Ultrasonics can also be used to apply valves or screw caps to coated cardboard packaging or films.

When developing a sealing solution, we focus on consulting. First carry out feasibility tests with your application in our ultrasonic laboratories and examine its weldability. Next, we determine the ideal welding parameters for your individual packaging. Once these are available, we can conduct further test series in your production system. 

We are already familiar with many materials, so meaningful results are usually available after just a few test series.

Our space-saving modules can be integrated into both new and already existing systems.

We coordinate closely with you every step of the way and are available to answer any questions during all phases of our partnership.

Ultrasonic sealing offers several advantages, including:

  • Air-tight seals without additional joining agents or aluminum layers
  • Hermetic seals even with contamination or product residue in the sealing area
  • Lower material consumption thanks to particularly slim seals
  • Up to 80 percent less energy consumption without heating or cooling the modules and packaging
  • Fast process cycles of 100 to 200 milliseconds
  • Precise controller enables reliable and repeatable seals with a near-perfect appearance, even with narrow process windows for sensitive materials
  • Cold welding tools prevent burns to the material and thermal effects on the packaging contents

Ultrasonics can help you meet key requirements of the PPWR, including:

  • Using recyclable materials:

Cold sealing tools and precise controllers allow safe sealing of sustainable materials such as mono-materials or paper-based materials. Our application experts can advise on switching to these sensitive materials.


  • Reducing packaging size:

Ultrasonics reliably seals through contamination in the sealing area, allowing for a significantly smaller seal width compared to conventional technologies. This can save 5 to 10 millimeters per package, reducing packaging size, material consumption, and costs.

We would be happy to conduct initial feasibility trials with you in our ultrasonic laboratory and test your application. Simply make an appointment and contact us here.

Ultrasonics is suitable for a wide range of packaging applications, but not all. It is important to us that our solution provides real, measurable added value. If this is not the case, we will communicate this transparently and openly.

Please contact us, and we will be happy to consult with you to see if we can help. 

Find out more about sealing packaging materials here

Special information about our ultrasonics solutions in the FOOD industry can be found here.

Frequently solved packaging applications for Ready Meals

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White paper: 5 Success Factors for Lower Reject Rates

Our new white paper provides clear, practical examples how you can use ultrasonics to eliminate the most common causes of rejects.

Learn how you can:

  • Significantly reduce waste over time
  • Package in a PPWR-compliant and sustainable manner
  • Implement automated quality control options


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Preview Whitepaper Reducing rejects with ultrasonic sealing

Blogarticles - get more information

PK Reducing rejects by sealing through contamination
Permanently reduce rejects

Sealing through contamination

High reject rates present a significant opportunity for reducing costs in the packaging line. Switching to our ultrasonic welding technology offers a simple solution for hermetic packaging:

  • Sealing through contamination
  • No risks of burns or film shrinkage
  • Clean sealing tools

Learn how ultrasonics can help you achieve a safer packaging process and permanently increase your efficiency.


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PPWR-compliant sealing

Ideal for sustainable materials

Mono-materials and paper-based packaging materials only have narrow process windows, necessitating a gentle welding process. Ultrasonics is ideal for sealing even these challenging materials, offering:

  • Air-tight seals
  • Visually flawless seals
  • Repeatable, reliable processes

Discover how ultrasonics can help you switch to more sustainable materials for a PPWR-compliant packaging process.


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Monomaterials sealed with ultrasonic
PK Process optimization with data vizualization
Digital control over your processes

Automated quality control

During ultrasonic sealing, direct contact between the sealing tools and materials allows for valuable data collection. With this technology, you benefit from:

  • Real-time quality control
  • Up to 150 data points per sealing process
  • Data-driven process optimization

Digitize your packaging process to achieve a new level of quality control and process improvement!


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